This discovery lead to the kids turning into little bug-ologists! I brought in a piece of Styrofoam and pins and we pinned and labeled each insect they found. From ant lions to grasshoppers and pincer bugs to dead bees... they all were mounted on our board! I don't know how exactly I can tie a lesson into this, but seeing the excitement on the children's faces is just enough for me! So let the screams, laughs and exploring keep on!
01 September 2010
The kids at work seem to love being outside and, of all things, bugs! There is a rather larger field they find solace in... running like wild animals chasing butterflies. Yesterday a young boy screams, "Miss Kristina! Miss Kristina!! I caught a, a, a... BUTTERFLY!!!!!!" He runs to me, huffing and puffing excitement the whole way. I peak into his cupped hands and from what I see, it looked to be a beautiful, blue colored butterfly. Once we got it into the cup it was evident this bug was no butterfly! In fact it looked more like a fancy wasp. I checked the boys hands for a sting or bite, but found nothing but his beaming face because of his finding. What he found and captured was a "Polka Dot Winged Wasp Moth". That's a mouthful!
23 August 2010
From Ruin to Riches
I went to see the movie, "Eat, Love, Pray". Although the author and main character of the story had a difference of belief in God and lifestyles, I enjoyed the movie. Maybe it was the travelers heart that thrives inside me. It cries out at any glimpse of a foreign land. I registered with her. I understood her discomfort with a normal life. On her first stop in Italy (the "eat" part of the movie) she talked about her time in Rome. I loved it so much I found it and posted it below...
"A friend took me to the most amazing place the other day. It's called the Augusteum. Octavian Augustus built it to house his remains. When the barbarians came they trashed it a long with everything else. The great Augustus, Rome's first true great emperor. How could he have imagined that Rome, the whole world as far as he was concerned, would be in ruins. It's one of the quietest, loneliest places in Rome. The city has grown up around it over the centuries. It feels like a precious wound, a heartbreak you won't let go of because it hurts too good. We all want things to stay the same. Settle for living in misery because we're afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Then I looked around this place, at the chaos it has endured - the way it has been adapted, burned, pillaged and found a way to build itself back up again. And I was reassured, maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic, it's just the world that is, and the real trap is getting attached to any of it.
Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."
Lately I've been hating the fact that I've been ruined for anything ordinary in this life. I wished I never tasted the sweet tea of China, held the hand of a Costa Rican slum child and never smelt the aroma's of India. It has ruined me, made me see past myself and into the vast world we live in. It is no longer possible to try and hide from this fire in my heart without it consuming me. The truth and reality is I am ruined. I finally embrace it. I embrace being ruined and am on the road to transformation...
21 August 2010
Dreams and a New Step
I believe it's our dreams and aspirations that keep us moving forward in life. Our God-given destiny's help us set dreams in our hearts. But what happens when you've achieved a dream you've had for years and then it falls apart? Living dreamlessly is not some place I want to be for too long. Up until a few weeks ago I was living just that way; with no dreams. It was a day to day trek into an empty black-hole future. Stale and empty.
I had many different ideas and opportunities arise for my next step. They all had great perks whether it was money, being close to family, living comfortably... the luxuries in life. I had to ask myself, "Is this going to hinder my destiny?" A lot of the options were an immediate, "YES!" So after praying and decided what's next, I am happy to announce my next move...
In February 2011 I will go to Prague, Czech, Republic (accompanied by my friend, Corey) to study in a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course. The course is one month long and it will open up doors to teaching English abroad in many countries!
For now I am working to save money and soaking up this time with my family and friends.
20 August 2010
19 August 2010
An Indian Chai State of Mind
I'll let the pictures do the talking for this one(:...
In five months I will lay aside my Indian chai for a taste of Prague tea;)
16 August 2010
Little Potentials Growing
I heard a little boy ask the other little kids at his table today, "Who here passed to the next grade last year?" Each child looked at him with a confused look and all raised their hands to show they passed. The little boy then said, "Well I failed... again."
Hearing this boy take a pole amongst his piers stabbed my heart. It's like he just came to terms that he was labeled a failure and pinned it on his shirt. doesn't he see that he has potential to do big things?? If anything, in these next 5 months I will make it a point to show him that he is not a failure and help him any way possible to succeed.
All the children I work with are little potentials growing. Some of them are strong and sturdy, while others are wilting and a bit fragile. Anyone who works with, takes care of or is around children can feed these potentials with encouragement, truth and a good attitude. I just want to see this next generation succeed and grow up to live extravagant lives!
14 August 2010
just may be the day that changes the course of my life. Eager. Excited. Fingers crossed.
12 August 2010
Give me the world!!
The American Dream. What is that exactly? Whatever it is.. I don't want it. I've tasted something so exquisite in this world that settling for the borders of the US is suffocating. There is a huge world to be explored! Oogles of people groups to learn from, a plethora of cultures to dive into and picturesque landscapes galore!! There is this quote I read recently, "I am not the same after seeing the moon shine on the other side of the world" -MR.
There are things I've seen, tasted, experienced, lived through and conquered in life that has only set the bar at a higher standard for my life. So here's to living life extravagantly.
13 June 2010
Everything Changes, But Beauty Remains
I met my friend, Lauren, when we were 11. After an awkward start to our friendship, we quickly became best friends and, although never had a class together nor attending the same high school, we were inseparable on the weekends. Yesterday Lauren Freeman joined lives with Scott Baumann and became a wife! Look how beautiful she is-
I got to see my, back in the day youth leader, Pam at the wedding! It was great:)
27 May 2010
Move Your Body!
"Stop Dieting, Start Living" That's the Weight Watchers motto. It really is all about changing your lifestyle. Like I've said in previous posts.. I love food. It's sort of an unhealthy relationship that I just cant get enough of. But like all bad relationships, they lead to death. I don't want my hunger for food (pun intended) to lead me to future health problems and an early death. Changing this lifestyle has been rough, just like any change in lifestyle. For me, its like trying to stop a semi truck (tata truck for all my Indian buddies) and pushing it backwards. But the future outcome is worth the fight. And I'm winning! Last week I lost 2 more pounds bringing my total to 5.2 pounds lost!! Hooray! Since having lost weight, in India and now, I am seeing results in more areas than just my old clothes not fitting-
* My sciatic nerve pain is gone!
* I have fewer lower back strains!
* My skin looks healthier
* There's a new beauty being exposed!
This week's meeting was about exercise and how we can lose weight by changing our eating habits, but we can only get tone and more healthy from daily exercise (and enhance weight loss too). I need to kick the laziness out of my life and make moving my body a daily occurrence. I've been overweight for most my life and I want to reach a healthy weight, maintain it and create a healthy environment in my body. I wanna be that 90 year old granny that still can bust a move:)
"Exercise is the best gift you can give yourself. It helps you to take care of yourself, to feel better, and to be stronger."
-Lisa (a weight watchers member)
23 May 2010
Lucky Lou (1998-2010)
There are different people in this world. You can classify some as cat or dog people. Where as I like dogs, I think they're cute and fun, I am a hands-down cat person. My family had 5. They all have their own personalities and do some of the funniest things. Most of all they show a lot of affection to us. Last night my sister came home from work to find one of our oldest cats (12 yrs) very ill and just hours later she died.
Now I never thought I'd cry over a cat, but Lucky was a part of our family. She was the cat if I sat outside talking on the phone or just to get fresh air, she'd be right by my side loving on me the entire time. My dad loves to tend to his garden and plants and Lucky was his right hand girl. She followed him all around the yard, even would look into the engine of a car my dad would work on.
I realize animals do not have souls like us humans, but we can make an emotional connection with our pets. Good-bye Lucky... we have some great memories of you!
18 May 2010
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!
Monday was the end to my first week on Weight Watchers. I went to weigh in with a lot of nervousness. I had used a lot of my "extra points" during the weekend. "Extra Points" are a set of points you can use throughout the week for special occasions... ie- eating out, parties or my indulgence, cheese cake! As I took off my shoes, you know to lessen my weight, I waited with baited breath for the woman to give me a smile. She did!! I lost 3.2 pounds! Although I was hoping for more, it was a loss and not a gain! And to top it off, my body feels good:)
This week I am adding exercise to my daily routine and hoping that next week I see positive results too.
On another note... I am back in Monroe, NC; my former residence. I will be here for three weeks serving as Todd and Vickie Hedgepeth's "Home Team". Check out their exciting story about their adoption of Gabi, a beautiful Togolese child-
My part of this unfolding story is staying with the kids while Todd and Vickie travel to Togo to pick up Gabi. I'm enjoying my time with Tootie! And Jack has been very well behaved:)
I'm still trying to figure this thing called life out. Twists and turns, bends and breaks, ups and downs all make up our paths. Some say when life gets tough it's our "climbing the mountain" times. I like to look at this time as my "Mt. Everest" time. It's a loooonnnggg trek to the top and the closer you get, the harder it becomes to breathe, I imagine your in lots pain and tempted to give up. But once you make it to the top, you've reached the highest point in the world! Talk about a mountain top experience. I just hope and pray its coming soon.
12 May 2010
The Journey: Day Two
Day two of converting into a healthy eater and I feel good! The evenings are the time where I usually get the hungriest. Being on Weight Watchers point system, really opens my eyes to how bad certain foods are for you. Take for instance this-
This is one small pizza that comes to a whopping 10 points!
and then this soup I made today... Zero points!
(Let me introduce you to the point system... it takes the calories, fat grams and grams of fiber and gives the food a score. I am allotted 31 points each day. They determine this through my age, weight, gender and physical activity. I also get an extra 35 points each week.)
This system is helping me find the things that are a better choice for me... like alternatives!
Here's an example of two sandwiches that have the same point value, just one is more nutritious and filling-
Well, my boots are still tied up tight and I am still trekking on this journey! I'll let you know of my success soon:)
10 May 2010
I'm starting a new journey!
I lost quite a bit of weight in India due to the change in diet (no processed foods), constant guzzling of water and the hilly terrain I trekked. The weight loss was great, I felt great, I looked great... but I did literally nothing extra to lose it. I have a strong love for food. I love anything starchy, meaty, cheesy, chocolaty, and buttery. I love to shop for food, cook food, and most of all.. devour it:)
After 2 months of being back in America I have gained almost half my weight back (not happy:(). In India I was just living life. I wasn't on any special diet. Heck, I even enjoyed a coke and bag of American Cream Style potato chips every now and then. But I lost weight and still was losing the day I left. But now living back in America, again am just living life, I am gaining weight rapidly. This makes me wonder about the health of the normal American diet. I have seen both sides and know that with making good choices in food and moving my body more, I won't have to rely on crash diets that make me cut out food I love and I won't have to stick to an Army work out routine.
So with all this said, I am setting out on another journey. This time it is a journey to healthy living and weight loss. I joined weight watchers tonight and plan on losing 40 lbs this summer. I hope I can make healthy food choices a habit. I'm tired of feeling, blah. So here I go... I hope this journey is full of success and I meet my goals!
09 May 2010
A Shout Out to Women and Mothers:)
What is it about flowers and women? It is beautiful how one blossoming bundle can bring a smile to the face of the most scouring women. I witnessed this in church today. We have a handful of elderly ladies who have a permanent scowl on their faces and demeanor. A little intimidating at times too. But today, when two young men passed out flowers to the mothers in the church, the smiles that came over these ladies was majestic. It's like I could see her past years... a caring mother, laughter, a loving wife... happiness. Tears filled my eyes as these women were honored today. Flowers and Women look so well together:)
Did you know that 200 years ago single women were not allowed to be sent out as missionaries? True. Women's responsibility were to take care of their husband and children; the traditional way. It was 200 years ago that five women wanted so badly to be apart of missions. They started something called the, "Penny Society". They encouraged people of the church to give one cent every Sunday to help fund missionaries. Over the time they were able to send out 8 missionaries on boats into the foreign mission field. They also started, what we know today as Sunday School, Christian education for the children. They knew that if they could reach this generation that the next generation would open doors for single women to be sent out. They also taught children about giving and over 20 years, through children's donations, were able to buy 3 ships that launched people into the mission field. These five women did it! They saw their position in the body of the church and, though limited, they moved mountains!
I pray all you mother's out there have an amazing day and know that it's women like you who birth the leaders and world changers of tomorrow.
My mom and I back in the day:)
07 May 2010
The Peacock: A New Hair Fashion
The national bird of India is the peacock-
While I was in India I had lost a lot of my thick, golden locks due to the water and change in diet. I was pretty much shedding like a dog. My bed had strands of hair all in it, I was designated my own blanket in the living room so my hair wouldn't get all over the others, when I swept the majority of things swept were stray hairs, I clogged the drain in the bathroom... it was quite an epidemic. Yes, I was a little nervous. My hair was thinning at a fast rate. Now for some pictures to visualize-
Me showing off my luscious, thick locks!
Amy, being brave, pulling out my hair that clogged our bathroom drain
The clog- aka- my hair!
Now, two months later, I am sporting the new do of the season... The Peacock! Check it out-
I've started a fad!
30 April 2010
Hard to Get
For some time now I have been searching for this song... It was a favorite of mine back in
my high school days. Listen to this, its a good one:)
You who live in heavenHear the prayers of those of us who live on earthWho are afraid of being left by those we loveAnd who get hardened by the hurtDo you remember when You lived down here where we all scrapeTo find the faith to ask for daily breadDid You forget about us after You had flown awayWell I memorized every word You saidStill I'm so scared, I'm holding my breathWhile You're up there just playing hard to getYou who live in radianceHear the prayers of those of us who live in skinWe have a love that's not as patient as Yours wasStill we do love now and thenDid You ever know lonelinessDid You ever know needDo You remember just how long a night can get?When You were barely holding onAnd Your friends fall asleepAnd don't see the blood that's running in Your sweatWill those who mourn be left uncomfortedWhile You're up there just playing hard to get?And I know you bore our sorrowsAnd I know you feel our painAnd I know it would not hurt any lessEven if it could be explainedAnd I know that I am only lashing outAt the One who loves me mostAnd after I figured this, somehowAll I really need to knowIs if You who live in eternityHear the prayers of those of us who live in timeWe can't see what's aheadAnd we can not get free of what we've left behindI'm reeling from these voices that keep screaming in my earsAll the words of shame and doubt, blame and regretI can't see how You're leading me unless You've led me hereWhere I'm lost enough to let myself be ledAnd so You've been here all along I guessIt's just Your ways and You are just plain hard to get
10 April 2010
Rejoicing with the Fisher family:)
09 April 2010
Where there's a need, there's a rice cooker!!
It was late January in the busy city of Kolkata, India and I was desperate for a hot shower. I, along with two friends and two children, were staying on the floor of a apartment being renovated. It had been 7 days since I had a "proper" shower. (Please see definitions below)
What is a proper shower, you ask?
In America- taking your time standing under a flow of hot water, shampooing and conditioning your hair and scrubbing down your body with a beautifully scented body wash and clean loofa.
In India (where I was)- squatting down while pouring warm/cold water over your head with a scoopy... you use your shampoo for both hair and body.. there's no time or enough water in the bucket for conditioning your hair.
Now that we got that straight... it had been 7 days of a wash cloth shower. I was completely desperate for some hot water. The climate in Kolkata was pretty chilly in the nights and the water that came out of the tap was like ice. That's where the the rice cooker comes in!
We had been lent a rice cooker from a family to cook our food in for the week we were there. This was the only appliance we had and who would have known, we would use this glorious machine for all our needs... starting with a hot shower-
After my body was finally refreshed, my mind started kicking and I began to use the rice cooker for all sorts of creative things-
Did you know that you can do these things with a rice cooker?
1. Boil Eggs
2. Make Chai
3. Make an entire meal (steam veggies on top of the rice)
4. Make Oatmeal
5. Boil Water
-for dish washing
So, if you're ever stuck on a deserted island and all you have is a rice cooker... find some electricity and have fun:)
Chai Anyone?
Jeewan demonstrating the bucket shower
I used a dupita and shawl to keep me warm.
08 April 2010
In the hospital with daddy-o!
I will be spending my dad with my dear ole dad in the hospital. He's having an out-patient procedure done. I am grateful for the free wifi as I'm surfing away while my dad is in a nice dreamland. Pray all goes well and that I have a fun story at the end of the day:)
the Patient
07 April 2010
Easter 2010
Easter pics!
Britnee and I (sister)
My second Easter ham!
I ♥ ham
aka- peep sushi
Bunny Slippers
Egg Dying
Tears of the Saints
My dear friends Katie and Elby (blog links on the sidebar) have both posted a link to this video. Please watch...
05 April 2010
There's a Bollywood dancer inside me!
I'm a closet Bollywood movie/song lover.. oops.. not in the closet anymore;) Here is one song from the movie, "Love Aaj Kal". I highly recommend the movie. You can find it on netflix. enjoy...
(sorry the embedding is disabled)
04 April 2010
Re-Adjusting to life back home...
It's been four months since my last post. I didn't forget about the blog or decide to go on a hiatus... I just haven't had the words to type...
I moved back home a month ago today. Man, how time flies! Sometimes I think back on my 5 months in India and wonder if it was all just a dream, and then there are times I think back on it and it feels as if I was just laying in the living room with Manju (a 7 year old Nepali girl) laying on my back. Re-entry was the most awkward thing this time. My usual time out of the country is 1-2 months, max. But after 5 months, my mind, body and way of thinking was all jumbled. Food tasted funny, technology seemed luxurious, people changed, I had changed, my clothes hung off me, there was all this talk about a health care bill, I missed the brown skinned Indian folk and their fun accents, people didn't understand the head bobble, and then there was Wal Mart.
Although India did not work out long term for me, I am staying optimistic about the future. I will stay in missions- YWAM preferably. I will keep you posted on my next step. I have a window of opportunity to do something big with my life! So here's to the future... see you soon:)
Manju and Kristina dhi dhi
Every time I laid on the couch, Manju would find herself comfy on my back
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