30 December 2008

What are the chances?

What are the chances that a genuine person found a $100 bill at Wal Mart last night and turned it in? I hope high.

So the story goes like this-

I went to Wal Mart to get groceries for the next couple of days before we head out to India. I had a $100 bill in my pocket. I spent about an hour getting all the groceries. I went to check out, and bam.. no money. My poket was empty. We (my dear friends here and I) searched the store high and wide with no sign of the money. I left my name and number with the Customer Service desk. Please pray that they call. Please pray that there was someone who found it and decided not to pocket it. I can't really afford $100 to pay back to YWAM. 

28 December 2008

Isn't He lovely?

I am sitting here trying to make a list of things that I need to get done before I leave for India and I just can't get past the fact that God is faithful. It's His nature; it's just who He is. Here's what is making me ga-ga over this incredible, ever-conscience God of mine...

I came home to Florida for a short visit for Christmas. I knew I'd be busy spending quality time with my family (and yes, watching super hero movies with gramps is quality time). But I had this burden weighing me down from totally enjoying my time. I needed $1000. Quick. I hadn't bought my ticket for India, but I had the word; the solid word, that I was to go. The first full day being home I received a call from, Bobbie, an elderly woman whom I have known for years in my church. 

She said, "Is this Kristina? Good. Because the Lord has had favor on me and now wants to have favor on you. I am donating $500 to your fund for India." 

I couldn't  believe my ears! What? $500? Half of what I need? Can this be? I must have thanked her ten million times. We chatted for a bit and that was that. Talk about a faith booster. Well, that wasn't the half of it.

(a few hours later)

"Kristina?" I heard Bobbies voice on the other end of the phone.
"Now listen. I was talking with Hilda (her sister) and she wants to donate to you too. She will give $200, making the total $700."

WHAT?! $700? This was still day one of being home. Three days before Christmas. I was beginning to see the light at the end of this long, dark hopeless tunnel. Faith was just oozing out of me. I was able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day without the fear of God not providing. But wait, that's not the end of the story!

"Kristina?" Yes, it was Bobbie once again. "Tomorrow at church I am turning in your check to be sent to you. My sister wants to make her donation the same as mine so the check will be for $1000."

By this time I was a pile of flub on the floor. 

I must have thanked Bobbies ear off. I did not know how else to communicate my gratitude. If she were in front of me I probably would have squeezed her so tight she'd bust. 

Because she heard God speak, I am going to India. Because I have awesome friends who believe in me, I get to experience a promise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

In just 3 days I will be packing up and boarding the first flight to Hyderabad, India. Please be praying for me and the 17 other people coming along. I will keep you updated!

**My hope is to be able to periodically update my blog as I'm in India. Stay tuned for some exciting news!

23 December 2008


Roller coasters and I have a love-hate relationship. I love to ride them, but I hate the feeling of my stomach in my mouth. I'm the person that people laugh at when they watch the video after. 

Before the ride launches off I get into position- hunch my body over the foam padded lap bar, clench every muscle I have in my abdomen and legs and begin to take deep breaths. I pity the person who sits next to me, behind me or in front of me on such rides. They know not what they get to experience. The ride begins. My breathing gets heavier with every clank of the coaster nearing the top. The short stop before the coaster pummels down the track is when the thought, "Can I get off now?" crosses my mind. We begin to wind our way through flips and turns and that, oh so dreaded, drop into the abyss. My mouth opens and a car alarm-like noise goes off and does not stop. (This sound I can not repeat even if I tried.) The ride comes to a stop. I close my mouth, wipe the terrified look from my face and through the strands of my strawberry blonde hair I scream, "Let's do it again!".

Unlike physical roller coasters that I freakishly love, I do not like emotional roller coasters. I don't know why I even am on one. Why did I allow myself to board such a thing? I do not like the way I feel now. I get all emotional over the silliest things. I am very fragile, sensitive and my heart is constantly aching. 

I am not comfortable in any place. There is no one or nothing safe to turn to other than God. I feel like I am stuck on this ride. I have no other option than to let the roller coaster run its course. I'm just praying it ends soon. I don't know how much I can handle.