30 December 2008

What are the chances?

What are the chances that a genuine person found a $100 bill at Wal Mart last night and turned it in? I hope high.

So the story goes like this-

I went to Wal Mart to get groceries for the next couple of days before we head out to India. I had a $100 bill in my pocket. I spent about an hour getting all the groceries. I went to check out, and bam.. no money. My poket was empty. We (my dear friends here and I) searched the store high and wide with no sign of the money. I left my name and number with the Customer Service desk. Please pray that they call. Please pray that there was someone who found it and decided not to pocket it. I can't really afford $100 to pay back to YWAM. 

28 December 2008

Isn't He lovely?

I am sitting here trying to make a list of things that I need to get done before I leave for India and I just can't get past the fact that God is faithful. It's His nature; it's just who He is. Here's what is making me ga-ga over this incredible, ever-conscience God of mine...

I came home to Florida for a short visit for Christmas. I knew I'd be busy spending quality time with my family (and yes, watching super hero movies with gramps is quality time). But I had this burden weighing me down from totally enjoying my time. I needed $1000. Quick. I hadn't bought my ticket for India, but I had the word; the solid word, that I was to go. The first full day being home I received a call from, Bobbie, an elderly woman whom I have known for years in my church. 

She said, "Is this Kristina? Good. Because the Lord has had favor on me and now wants to have favor on you. I am donating $500 to your fund for India." 

I couldn't  believe my ears! What? $500? Half of what I need? Can this be? I must have thanked her ten million times. We chatted for a bit and that was that. Talk about a faith booster. Well, that wasn't the half of it.

(a few hours later)

"Kristina?" I heard Bobbies voice on the other end of the phone.
"Now listen. I was talking with Hilda (her sister) and she wants to donate to you too. She will give $200, making the total $700."

WHAT?! $700? This was still day one of being home. Three days before Christmas. I was beginning to see the light at the end of this long, dark hopeless tunnel. Faith was just oozing out of me. I was able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day without the fear of God not providing. But wait, that's not the end of the story!

"Kristina?" Yes, it was Bobbie once again. "Tomorrow at church I am turning in your check to be sent to you. My sister wants to make her donation the same as mine so the check will be for $1000."

By this time I was a pile of flub on the floor. 

I must have thanked Bobbies ear off. I did not know how else to communicate my gratitude. If she were in front of me I probably would have squeezed her so tight she'd bust. 

Because she heard God speak, I am going to India. Because I have awesome friends who believe in me, I get to experience a promise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

In just 3 days I will be packing up and boarding the first flight to Hyderabad, India. Please be praying for me and the 17 other people coming along. I will keep you updated!

**My hope is to be able to periodically update my blog as I'm in India. Stay tuned for some exciting news!

23 December 2008


Roller coasters and I have a love-hate relationship. I love to ride them, but I hate the feeling of my stomach in my mouth. I'm the person that people laugh at when they watch the video after. 

Before the ride launches off I get into position- hunch my body over the foam padded lap bar, clench every muscle I have in my abdomen and legs and begin to take deep breaths. I pity the person who sits next to me, behind me or in front of me on such rides. They know not what they get to experience. The ride begins. My breathing gets heavier with every clank of the coaster nearing the top. The short stop before the coaster pummels down the track is when the thought, "Can I get off now?" crosses my mind. We begin to wind our way through flips and turns and that, oh so dreaded, drop into the abyss. My mouth opens and a car alarm-like noise goes off and does not stop. (This sound I can not repeat even if I tried.) The ride comes to a stop. I close my mouth, wipe the terrified look from my face and through the strands of my strawberry blonde hair I scream, "Let's do it again!".

Unlike physical roller coasters that I freakishly love, I do not like emotional roller coasters. I don't know why I even am on one. Why did I allow myself to board such a thing? I do not like the way I feel now. I get all emotional over the silliest things. I am very fragile, sensitive and my heart is constantly aching. 

I am not comfortable in any place. There is no one or nothing safe to turn to other than God. I feel like I am stuck on this ride. I have no other option than to let the roller coaster run its course. I'm just praying it ends soon. I don't know how much I can handle.

05 November 2008

A bit of heart drama, some Obama and a lot of missing my Momma!

Last week.. phew! It's over; in the past... DONE! Thank You, LORD! My heart was in so much turmoil. The things I was tangled up in are things I won't get into on here. I have been extensively seeking God's Word and it's healing time from here. I did, unfortunately, get a major canker soar on the inside of my bottom lip. This was by far the worst one I have experienced. Canker sores are brought on by intense stress. This was a good reminder to calm down and in the words of Karyn Shauan, "Save the drama for your momma." In this case I won't save it, yet give it to Christ.

On Tuesday night I went over to a friends house to play a card game, "president." As if losing wasn't enough of a drag, we all saw the outcome of the most-anticipated election. I nearly lost it when I saw that Obama had 200 electoral votes. Well, it's inevitable... Change is a comin! Who knows what it will look like. I will now turn my doubts into prayers for our new President. Congrats Barak Obama.

It always happens this time each year. I begin to miss my family. I guess it's the beginning of the holiday season and I just want a hug from my parents and siblings. I miss you guys so much!! I can't wait to see you over Christmas.

Well as things are rapidly changing in life... here are some pictures of some other things that are rapidly changing as well. These pictures were taken in the span of one week.. crazy, huh? So beautiful:)

01 November 2008

White Light Night

Last night we held our first annual, "White Light Night". We had about 15 youngsters from our neighborhood come out for several hours to enjoy hot dogs, pop corn, a movie, and of course.. CANDY! We prayed earlier in the week for what we should do in place of Halloween. We lit up our front porch and courtyard, started a fire and had a blast. Here are some pictures from the night.

Then this morning, after a two hour game of soccer, Dave, Roeger and I played a practical joke on our friends...

But I guess Dave and Katie didn't get the last laugh!

31 October 2008

I Cannot Be Silent, NO!

"You'll be joining the team in evangelism today, Kristina,"
"Sweet! Where to?"
"The University Campus"
"NooooOOOOooooOOOoooo!!!!"- This is what my heart screamed! I felt a choking coming over me. I panicked. "How can I contract an illness and not go?" I thought to myself. I knew I had a fear, and I knew it was time to build a bridge and get over it. So I did.
I helped lead a team of five of our Discipleship Training School students to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The drive there I was pretty much numb to the fear that would soon arise once again. I don't know what it is about college campus' and university towns. They intimidate me worse than anything on this earth. Once we split into our teams and headed out in the courtyard of the campus, my heart thundered in my chest. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have most likely been sweating. I did the typical delay method I see so many frequently use; the, "Let's pray for a while"-method. I sat with my team members, we prayed, scoped out our mission field, and began to strategise. Michael, one of the students, wasn't into wasting the one hour we had to bring the Kingdom of God to these college students. He got to it and began talking with many people. By his lead, I got up and started to walk towards a crowd of people. Ugghcckkk, I began to choke again. The fear had rose up in me again. Internally I was fighting a battle between my spirit and my flesh. After a while of this, I finally built that bridge, got over myself and walked up to the first person I saw. The luck one. A guy named Shrenik. He is an exchange student from India. Ka-Ching!! Thank you LORD! I had something in common with this student. We talked a bit about India and then I got to sharing. It went well. He is a devoted Hindu and listened to my heart about my God, Jesus. He told me that someone had already given him a Bible and he would start to read it. I didn't see come to Christ yesterday, but I did see him take one step closer to knowing Him. Praise you Lord! I'm actually looking forward to our next time of evangelism at the University campus:)
I will not let fear choke me, hold me down, and take away the testimony the Lord has put in my mouth. NO, I will NOT be silent!
I want to introduce someone to you. Her name is Sassy, my adopted cat from next door. Sassy has been literally by my heal almost everywhere I go here in this neighborhood. She's special:)

29 October 2008

What? You don't tackle in soccer?

I wish there could have been video, or even a picture, of today's after-lunch soccer match. This was my second game of soccer I have ever attempted to play. This is not counting the one time I was pegged in the shin with a soccer ball in middle school that left me in fetal position on the ground. Now I know you can't use your hands to touch the ball, but no one ever told me you couldn't use them to distract your opponent! Today's game consisted of me shoving Michael and Dave all over in attempt to steal the ball. I was proud of myself, too! I kicked less air today than I did yesterday. My eye connects with the ball but my foot doesn't always:) Minhee had an accidental head-butt. If she didn't say, "What was that?" after it I would have thought she was some pro. Berekely got the award for the most falls. As the goalie, she tumbled and plopped all over. She was a great goalie, though. Katie didn't find any invisible, to her, cement benches to fall over, just the ball. It was a fun time. Next time I will have to get someone to take video or pictures so you all can witness the craziness.

28 October 2008

Ow, Ow.. Bring on the Fall:)

The Fall is here!!!!!

Let the boots, scarfs and jackets come out of hibernation!! The fall is here! And with it the leaves are changing, pumpkin spiced candles are lit, the crocheting of new attire has begun and Kristina is in her happy place:) The Fall is by far my favorite time of year... if you couldn't tell by my exciting picture. It's the start to a season of love, joy and cuddling up in blankets.
Six years ago in September 2002, I moved to Monroe, North Carolina for a Discipleship Training School. It was then that I met the Lord face to face, heard and recognized His voice, experienced my first real Fall and Winter, and met some of my closest friends I have in my life. There will always be a special place in my heart for this season! Mmm Mmm Pure Sweetness!

On to an update with our DTS in session. I'm bonding well with the students. We make a good team. I almost cannot wait to get to India for our 7 week outreach. There is something that makes my spirit leap when I think about going back. I am starting my fund raising for the outreach. At this moment I feel secure in raising the $2500 I will need. It doesn't seem impossible. Please pray for our students and for the rest of the Lecture Phase.

Well, I'm out for now. Enjoy the pictures-

Krystal and Lauren Dancing with the Kids

Me, sporting my new hat I crocheted!

26 October 2008

A little note:)

Can I just brag for a moment? Our Discipleship Training School students... how wonderful they are! Katie, Lauren, Michael, Krystal, Katie, Berkeley, Elby, Minhee and Kristen are a dynamic, mission-minded, passionate group of students. Thank you Lord for sending them here and for everthing they bring to this base!

The students and staff 
with last weeks teacher- Anna Cleghorn

Last week was a lot of fun. It was a good change from the not-so-good week I had previously. I wish I had some funny story to tell here, but I don't. Nothing exciting, nothing new. I look at my friend Karyn's blog and laugh my head off at some of her posts. I guess living with Avery there's never a dull moment. Well, that's about it. Check out some pictures from this week at these links-
Indian Dinner Night- 
DTS Pics/Lecture-

17 October 2008

I lift my eyes up unto the mountains...

Where does my help come from? My help comes from You, Maker of Heaven, You are the only One! Today we went to Black Mountain to go up on the mountain and hear from God. It was a special time for all of us. Personally, God met me. I sat for a while on a large rock on the side of a small stream. I felt the Lord tell me to be more child-like. He loves that about me; my child-like awe. So, I ripped my shoes and socks off and began to trot through the icy water. Leaping from rock to rock, snapping pictures as I went, I was filled with much joy. My friend Amy met me in the stream and anointed me with oil. I felt the presence of God right with me the whole time... I didn't want to leave.

At the Gorge.

Min Hui Worshipping

Chris leading worship @ the Gorge.
Quiet Time
Playing in the River.

My Altar

Zoe got in on the fun in the water too!

Then it was back to life in the valley. This week has been a little rough in the waters of my emotions. I haven't been feeling quite well lately. I started the week off with a fever and it ended with a sore throat. This, feeling under the weather, hasn't helped with un-calm feelings in my heart. I pray for a understanding, that I may grow from this and get on with life.
On a much better note- Amy spent the week here at YWAM-Charlotte. It was great to have her here. I can't wait for more time with her! Continue to check out her blog- http://www.tribespahr.blogspot.com/.

I'm currently loving the song, "Give me Your eyes", by Brandon Heath and "Jesus, Messiah", by Chris Tomlin. Great stuff!

13 October 2008

Picking up the momentum!

So I've been told that I need to start blogging more. Hopefully the more I blog the more people will read.. let's give it a try!

So What the Heck, Kristina, Have you Been Up to??
The past several weeks have been a little nuts, but somehow, by the AMAZING grace of God I have been able to remain focused. I'm plowing into new territory this season of my life. I am interning as a school leader for our Fall Discipleship Training School (DTS) at Youth With A Mission-Charlotte. It's been something I have always wanted to do, but never took the initiative. I've taken off the Mission Adventure Coordinator hat for a new, shnazy one. Don't get me wrong, Mission Adventures was wonderful! It taught me tons in the administrative department, stretched me in every direction, and showed me intense leadership. I'm ready to work in a long term discipling atmosphere and the DTS is the best place to start.

In January I will be leading the DTS on their 6 week outreach to Pune, India. There we will be working with people living with AIDS in the slums. This is what my heart leaps to do!
I have told some of you that I will be going to India in January for 6 months, that is no longer gonna happen. The door has shut. I pray it will open soon! I have great plans for the Spring, though. It will be a time of renewal. What that entails.. I'm not sure yet. I will let you know soon though.

My friend, Amy, is in town. It is such joy to have her here again. I have missed her! Check out her blog... www.tribespahr.blogspot.com. Let it inspire you then send the link to your family and friends!

2008 Fall DTS
The DTS is running strong. We have 9 students from all over the world who are so very eager to learn more about the Lord and the calling He has on their lives. Please pray for these precious students- MinHee (S. Korea), Katie R, Kristen, Lauren, Elby (England), Katie C, Krystal, Michael and Berkeley.

The pics-

21 August 2008

I'm cooped up and a little crazy!

It's day 3 of the never ending rainfall here in Deltona. The past 24 hours has been the worst. I went out today on several joyrides around town mostly to get out of the house I've been confined to all week and to go check out the flash flooding happening around me. My parents house is OK. Our street is on a hill and we have a large ditch in the lot next to us. As I drove around I saw peoples yards that had become swamps; lakes that have exceeded their banks and have found peoples sheds and houses. There are many roads closed due to the flooding. Our local Hospital is having major issues with flooding. Ambulances are not able to get to the door. It's madness. I'm going crazy! I think I've exceeded my time with my family. I love them, but we've been breathing the same air and listening to each other for the past 3 days. I need a change of scenery... I need it NOW! For kicks, this afternoon, my sister and I had a wrestling match in the front yard. As the rain pelted us continuously and the wind swirled around us, we wrestled and laughed and had so much fun. I could just see it now... Our elderly neighbors looking out their window and seeing their missionary neighbor beating her sister in the rain. HAHAA! After rolling around in the soggy grass, we called a truce and went back into confinement.
Well, I guess it's time to watch the Olympics. Will this rain ever, EVER stop?
I'll post pictures and video soon...

17 June 2008

Just a thought...

I want to say that I am not settling for just any man. He has to be one like Jesus. One worth submitting to. He needs to be a leader, not a follower. He has to have a passion for this world and all the people in it. He needs to have missions written all over him. I must see his spirit before I see his flesh. Am I just gonna run with the first man who shows me love and attention? No. I am not gonna settle for an ordinary life, and I am not going to settle for an ordinary relationship. I just want to declare that:)

15 June 2008

An update:)

It’s been a while since I have updated everyone on my ministry. Things are going great here at YWAM-Charlotte. In just a few days my life is about to get super busy. Mission Adventures, our summer youth missions program I’ve been coordinating, kicks off on Thursday with a team from Greenville, NC who will be outreaching in Mexico City. I will be co-leading this team. This will be my first taste of Mexico! The team has been preparing dramas to perform in the streets. I’m way excited about our ministry times there. As for the rest of the summer I will spend two weeks in New Orleans, working with about 75 youth in restoring the still run down neighborhoods of the ninth ward. To end the summer I will be heading up a team of roughly 50 people to NYC. I absolutely love working with youth! Please pray for me. I’m hoping for a dynamite summer!!!

September our Discipleship Training School starts. I’m pumped for it. I will be interning as a school leader. I want to glean all the knowledge that I can. January, I will be heading out to Mumbai, India, leading the DTS team on their 2 month outreach. As most of you know, India is where my heart is. So, I am very anxious to get back there. We will be working with a YWAM Ministry that works with children on prostitues.

I am planning on coming home in August to reconnect with supporters, family and friends. I’d love to see you! In the meantime, keep checking out my blogJ I will leave you with some recent pictures… PEACE!

21 May 2008

Don't you be stealing my sleep, fool

My friend Amy told me yesterday she had been kissed by God. I was little Jealous, because I wanted to be kissed. So I sat and thought over my day, and to my surprise, I was kissed too!! God totally provided a set of lawn furniture for our barren backyard. It was used, but nothing a little bleach couldn't fix. Our backyard is huge and shady. It's really beautiful:) We do have some rowdy neighbors behind us, but this will be a good way to sit back there and pray for them. Thank you Lord for your kisses.

And on to the story of the hour....
Last night as Rachel and I were getting ready for bed, Heather rushes into our room with a frantic, "Someone shone a flashlight in my window!!" Immediately, like instinct, I ran into the closet yelling at Rachel to get in with me. Heather, on the floor in my room called our director and I called 9-1-1. I was for sure we were doomed. That's when we heard the utility crew working on a fallen tree and power line. OK, so it wasn't the scary robber man I thought it was, but what the HECK was the utility man doing shining his flashlight into Heathers window? The 9-1-1 operator heard our conversation about the utility men and was hesitant to send an officer our way. I asked her nicely, well demanded, an officer. Fifteen minutes later, I could have been killed by then, three officers show up and look over our property and everything was great, The End. Until the utility workers came back bright and early at 6:30/7:00... For the love of Pete Sempris!

18 May 2008

I am proud to be a YWAMer!

Madison, WI-
I spent the last week at a Discipleship Training School (DTS) workshop. The ride up there was an adventurous one. We had fun staying at the Louisville YWAM base. They served us well with awesome hospitality:) The last leg was a bit tedious, I must say. After being hit for several hours of 38 mph winds, our 1993 Previa forfeited a piece of her roof to the wind. But alas we made it to Madison, WI, the land flowing with milk and cheese curds. The week started off a bit funny. I was feeling a sense of muteness. Anyone who knows just a little about me knows that I am anything but mute. I badly wanted to meet some neat YWAMers from all over, but something in me made me hesitant. It wasn't until the Tuesday when we as a group prayed off the spirit of intimidation. It was after that, that my personality began to flourish.
(more to come soon)

18 March 2008

We are Free! Or are we?

I am LOVING this new book I am reading called, "FlashBang: How I got over myself". It's such a funny one. I find myself snickering from my lofted bed, only to find my roommate confused and staring at me like I am a nut. But along with the funny stories comes a great message. Here is an excerpt from last nights chapter on freedom.

"Lets follow the path: God creates man. God gives man freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to grow. Freedom to take God's plan and run with it. But those freedoms aren't enough for man. Man wants more than what God wants him to have. Man wants to do whatever man wants to do when ever he feels like doing it.So man choses freedom that wasn't intended for him. And man does whatever he wants. All the things man does outside of God's plan have repercussions. Consequences. Man doesn't like how that feels, so what does man do? Man attempts to create more freedoms that allow him to ignore the consequences created by his old freedoms."

Crazy, huh? We were given the right to free will, but we weren't given the right to full freedom. We would be an unruly, all over the place- bunch of crazies.

I remember as a child going to a beach house in Boca Grande, FL with my family. My dad would give me boundaries on where I was to stay while playing at the beach. I knew I wasn't to go past the neighboring condos. I never stepped out of those boundaries. I knew that if I did, it would inevitably find trouble. (That's usually what happens to me when I am somewhere I am not supposed to be.) My dad set those boundaries up to keep me safe. He was, unknowingly, portraying a characteristic of God our Father.

Boundaries are what keep us in tact; sane. They are set up to keep us from hurting ourselves. Yet, we look at them as something that holds us back from achieving greatness. Whereas it really doesn't. Do you think that God would hold his child back from achieving his or her calling? Do you think he would set up boundaries and have our desires far outside of them? NO! He wants us to live a pure and holy life here in this fallen world. I started to think of some of the areas I have been creating freedoms in. There are a lot. It's time I identify the Kristina-made freedoms and the God-given freedoms. His are probably a thousand times better. I'm taking a look at my boundaries and they are not as small as I imagined... actually they are huge! I feel a life change coming on....

09 March 2008

Something to Ponder..

I heard this quote... "From now on I will be the woman I want my daughter to be."
This is something I wish I had been living out years ago. But we are here in the now. My actions now can determine a lot for my future. Lord, help me be wise.

05 March 2008


Some street boys in India. One day, I pray they will have a relationship with Jesus!
I was asked the question, "Are you stuck in relationship with the Lord, or are you intimate with Him?"
"Hmm." I thought to myself. I totally could answer that question with a big fat, "YES! Yes, I am stuck in relationship with God and I do not know how to be intimate with Him!" Just then it hit me. That word I got the other day for my friend Amy. It was a simple word. It didn't really make sense at the time, but nonetheless it was a powerful message God was trying to speak to me. The word was, "One." It was followed by the phrase, "One day at a time." There it was... a simple word as a simple solution to my problem of becoming intimate with God!
See, an intimate relationship is not developed over night. Think of your strongest relationships you have in your life right now. Not one of them just happened in an instant, right? It takes time. It takes a willingness to be with and get to know that person. It takes sacrifice. This is the same with the intimate relationship the Lord wants with us. Not rushing things, yet taking it one day at a time. It's gonna take some time to get there, but it will be totally worth it. Will you take this, "One day at a time" journey with me?

03 March 2008

And we're starting new!

So, basically a lot of you have told me that my old blogger page was having some difficulty preforming. That was probably due to me fidgeting with the html. Yeah, learned my lesson. I am not a techy. I will leave all that fun stuff for people who actually know what they are doing. Anyways.. I will be remodeling my look of this page. I hope to have this up and looking great in a day or two. Enjoy!