27 March 2009

Growing Pains

Ouch. I remember losing sleep as a pre-teen from aching legs. I was growing. At the age of 25 I am currently not physically growing; maybe wider, but not taller (hehe). But I am growing spiritually. I think I've hit a major growth spurt just recently... and it hurts. It's hurts so bad at times that I just want to run away. Where would I run, though, where there is no pain? I have to say that at this very moment I am OK. In twentie minutes from now I might feel a different way. But right now I know I will be OK. I will let this growth take place, hurt a little in the process and be OK in the end. I'm excited to see what's at the other side of this. I am ready for restoration of the pieces I've fallen into. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your honesty... you write the things I'm feeling. We're praying for you!! Love Ya!! Lynn