13 October 2008

Picking up the momentum!

So I've been told that I need to start blogging more. Hopefully the more I blog the more people will read.. let's give it a try!

So What the Heck, Kristina, Have you Been Up to??
The past several weeks have been a little nuts, but somehow, by the AMAZING grace of God I have been able to remain focused. I'm plowing into new territory this season of my life. I am interning as a school leader for our Fall Discipleship Training School (DTS) at Youth With A Mission-Charlotte. It's been something I have always wanted to do, but never took the initiative. I've taken off the Mission Adventure Coordinator hat for a new, shnazy one. Don't get me wrong, Mission Adventures was wonderful! It taught me tons in the administrative department, stretched me in every direction, and showed me intense leadership. I'm ready to work in a long term discipling atmosphere and the DTS is the best place to start.

In January I will be leading the DTS on their 6 week outreach to Pune, India. There we will be working with people living with AIDS in the slums. This is what my heart leaps to do!
I have told some of you that I will be going to India in January for 6 months, that is no longer gonna happen. The door has shut. I pray it will open soon! I have great plans for the Spring, though. It will be a time of renewal. What that entails.. I'm not sure yet. I will let you know soon though.

My friend, Amy, is in town. It is such joy to have her here again. I have missed her! Check out her blog... www.tribespahr.blogspot.com. Let it inspire you then send the link to your family and friends!

2008 Fall DTS
The DTS is running strong. We have 9 students from all over the world who are so very eager to learn more about the Lord and the calling He has on their lives. Please pray for these precious students- MinHee (S. Korea), Katie R, Kristen, Lauren, Elby (England), Katie C, Krystal, Michael and Berkeley.

The pics-

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