25 April 2009

Im Springing up Joy!

Living in North Carolina I get to see the seasons change very distinctly. The leaves changing color in the fall which lead to their shedding in the winter which leads to the very beautiful spring time of new colors and life! Spring has its ups and downs, though. I'll start with the downs, since I am currently suffering from this seasons actions. My front porch has a putrid yellow icing to it that makes my nose want to jump into my sinus cavity. The dogwood, a very captivating tree, triggers the most annoying post-nasal drip. And what I look forward to every spring... (insert sarcastic tone) is the two week funk where my sinus', nose, throat, and lungs get attacked by a monstrous thick, green infection. It's bliss. haha.
But the up side to spring is much bigger and overrides the negative aspects. I love to see the trees grow new, vibrant green leaves, the flowers arise from what I assumed was the end of their lives into colorful blossoms, and the best thing... the birds. Yes, the birds. I feel like a child as I peer into different nests each day to see the progress of the babies. We have this one nest that is right eye level with me in a small bush outside our house. I watched these little ones emerge from eggs and into small birds ready for flight. I know they are about to leave the nest and I was a bit depressed by the thought of not being able to see them every day. But right in the next bush is a new nest with new eggs! Listen, I may sound like a child here, but I never really experienced this growing up. New life is such a miracle! Well, I will leave you with some pictures of the birds as go to blow my nose and get ready for some spring cleaning! Love you all!
The new nest!
The two babies, one head and one butt.
He looks very angry this morning.

1 comment:

Amy Reece Spahr said...

love the pic of the eggs.. they look like "robin eggs", the ones you buy at wal-mart right before Easter.. mmm hmmm , those are my favorite! :)