02 April 2009

Almost to the End

Endings. There's something so bitter sweet about them. I like endings such as the end of a fast, the end to a really boring meeting where I wanted to gouge out my eyes, or the end of a car ride where I was prepping myself for instant death. Then there are the ends I do not particularly like, such as the end of an amazing television series, the end of a seriously delicious bowl of chocolate moose tracks, and the one I am facing now.. the end to my time at YWAM-Charlotte. The thing is, that as my book is coming to an end here, life still goes on! *screeching tires *gasp!
It's a time where I can choose to get this mindset that I am not welcome and/or accepted. Or I can embrace the changes going on here. I've been apart of this mission for 5 years. My finger print is all over this base. As I am finishing this last six months well, I see a lot of new faces, new visions, new relationships, and new beginnings all over. It's tempting to not want to be apart of it. Moving on is hard. It takes a toll on your emotions and challenges you to really hold tight to the voice of God. So here's to the last six months (for now) with a family I love so much.

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